"There are three kinds of death in this world. There's heart death, there's brain death, and there's being off the network."
   -- Guy Almes --
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All images, and pages within are Copyright (c) of Brandon Hubbard and/or ChAotiX-DesineZ.

This page last updated: February 5, 2002


  A new chapter to the personal pages...

Let me be the first to welcome each and everyone of you to the new personal web page of Yours Truly. So let me give you a brief introduction, any other details you are wondering about shoud be found here. My name is Brandon Hubbard, I'm a college student at Del-Tech and Technology coordinator for St. Anthony of Padua Grade School. I've played with web design for a couple of years now and never made an actual personal page. So now I'm going to try and actually create a functioning website for myself, instead of someone else. Which indeed would be a first.

Let me break down the site a little bit, things probably look real confusing. On the left, in that table, is basically the quick links you will need to navigate the site. The contents of this table may change a little depending on where you are in the site, things may appear under other things, etc. However, there will ALWAYS be a link back to the home page, so that you never get lost.

Other than that, the website is pretty cut and dry. If you are here trying to find the Church Architecture as an Art project I am working on, click HERE.

  A Quote for all of you.

A quote is a quote. Something someone said that was note worthy. So why does this someone always have to be famous, or is it only famous people say anything note worthy? Can't a quote merely consist of a few words that make one think? Like these past few words...

- Brandon Hubbard -

The News
