"There are three kinds of death in this world. There's heart death, there's brain death, and there's being off the network."
-- Guy Almes --

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About Me

My Views...
On politics
On Education
On Today's Youth
On Other stuff
I do endorse the contents of the above link, and do NOT care if you have a problem with it.

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All images, and pages within are Copyright (c) of Brandon Hubbard and/or ChAotiX-DesineZ.

This page last updated: February 6, 2002

The Views Page...

This page is basically a link page to different classifications of MY views on things. There are 4 different categories right now, Politics, Education, Today's Youth and Other stuff. Each page will contain basic ranting and raving of my opinions and the way I look at things. Some of this stuff can get pretty controversial, so if you don't like opinionated people, read something else like my Essays.

However, if you like to read this stuff for basic arguments sake, I'd love to hear from you. Just e-mail using the link to your left, and I'll be more than happy to read your opinion about my opinion which usually means a big F*$# You!
In any case:

Educational System
Today's Youth
Observations and other non-classifiable things