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This page last updated: February 25, 2002

City as Text

The assignment:
Objective 4: Using the "City as Text," compose a well-constructed, detailed classification/compare-contrast/ casual analysis outline. Collect copies of artworks that will be used as visuals for the oral presentation. Students will choose an art form to research and will work in collaborative groups to create a formal 4-Level outline and a 10-15 minute presentation demonstrating their findings to the class.

In your City as Text assignment, you will use the research you have gathered, along with your fieldwork, to develop a cause and effect argument. Using the information and visual evidence you have acquired, you will speculate reasons why an artist made her/his choices, and/or influences on his/her work, or even, what the artwork influences in it's depictions.

Comparison/Contrast in City as Text:
Evaluative- evaluates subjects to establish their advantages/disadvantages, strengths/ weakness.
Once subjects are chosen, identify the features shared by the subject, the points of comparison.

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What I've done...

This section is to give a brief description of the following pages. The following web pages are the visual aid of the presentation mentioned above. However, also in these pages you will find descriptions, portions of the formal compare/ contrast outline, as long with other notes of reference.
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